Why God needs You

      Hello friends brothers sisters in Christ. God named me Jonah. It is written God shall name His sheep. I have been trained by God for decades to reach this point where I can share what I want to share with you and many of you won't like what I have to say because serving God not the world is not a popular decision.  Let's start with few are those that find the Straight and Narrow Path and Choose it. When God says few, God means few. That basically means Satan already has most of you.  Most of you either can't find the Straight and Narrow Path or found it, but Satan has led you away! Most take the wide path that leads to destruction.  First though before we discuss all that, I would like to inform you why God needs you. God has a huge problem.  Jesus can't return.  The reason Jesus can't return is a specific prophecy. The Gospel must be spread throughout every nation and every land on all the planet Earth. This prophecy is much more tricky and involved than it appears on the outside.  But before we get in depth about how tricky and involved this is, I would like to tell you about a time called wilderness training.  It was one of the greatest times of my life, I buried my last $3.18 on the beach at Mission Beach California.  God had 7 sharks waiting to circle me to test my faith and I went into the water saying I believe Jesus I believe God repetitiously as the 7 sharks circled I submerced and then I got out of there. The wilderness training was a time of many visions and miracles. I saw Jesus emerge on the clouds twice in perfect cloud form image. God led me to Jesus.  The Straight and Narrow Path.  One of the things I remember was finding a paper from the future.  I think it was dated about 1,000 years in the future and was about The Catholic Church. It got lost soon, but I have been thinking about it recently because I am starting to understand how desperately God needs our help to fulfill the prophecy and spread The Gospel throughout all the planet Earth. If I fail in my mission it could easily take another 1,000 years before Jesus can return. 

     Let's get down to the kitty gritty. Not only does God need you to help spread the Gospel Jesus spoke throughout all the planet Earth to return, but to the best of my knowledge there is not even one copy of The Gospel Jesus spoke translated correctly on the face of the planet Earth in English to help fulfill the prophecy that I know of. I know that is quite a bold statement and I want to back it up. It's a test from God  Jesus said beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. That's the clue. To understand you must understand the mistranslation that Satan used to insert the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod into the Bible. The word porneia is the mistranslated word. Porneia is spiritual whoredom,  the worship of false gods or masters of which sexual perversion can be one. Satan could not allow the correct translation of porneia because Peter and Paul are both guilty of BDSM porneia in 1 Peter 2:18 and Ephesians 6:5. So porneia was mistranslated into fornication to protect the devils advocates and to insert the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod Jesus warned us about into the Bible.  Paul was the Pharisee who rose like leaven, Herod was the rer who tried to kill Jesus as a child. 

     By mistranslating the word porneia into fornication Satan has a new target, youthful love. Shame degrade and humiliation for young girls who fall in love so they get called cruel and disgusting names like tramps and shut and whores, because the poor children fell in love and got pregnant,  so they often end up giving their babies up for adoption or abortion to hide their shame. Abortion the leaven of Herod. The king James version shows the mistranslation of Jesus saying fornication leads to adultery and insinuates Jesus is into shaming degrading and humiliating young girls into aborting their babies and that needs to be changed back to the original translation to fulfill the prophesy because a lukewarm Satan measures of light mixture can not fulfill.  God made the best wine and the best Gospel. 

   The line in the sand. Matthew 24:23. If they say the Christ is here or there Do Not Believe it.  Matthew 24:23 forbids us from believing Paul or John saw Christ in the book of acts or the book of revelation. Let's discuss Paul first. Paul it's very easy to understand who Paul really saw because Paul told us. Jesus forbids us from believing Paul saw Christ and Paul stated no Marvel for even Satan himself appears as an angel of light. So Paul admitted seeing Satan appears as an angel of light so many times it ceased to be a marvel and obviously one of those times was when Satan appeared to Paul in the book of acts as false Christ number 1 as discussed in Matthew 24:23-25. Study that well.

     We need to link multiple scriptures to verify what was just said about Paul though, not just one. First of all Paul said in the book of acts Jesus appeared and made him the newest disciple.  For novices who don't know Jesus word, I guess that might sound believable,  but that is not how disciples are made. Jesus said to be my disciple you must follow me and carry your cross behind me. That's how disciples are made. Follow Jesus The Straight and Narrow path and carry your cross behind Jesus.  Do not follow Peter Paul or the book of revelation on the wide path that leads to destruction.  Remember few are those that find and choose The Straight and Narrow Path that leads to life.

     Plans of Salvation.  Only Jesus saves, if you so much as believed Jesus and are baptized you will be saved.  This goes back to the line in the sand Matthew 24:23 If they say the Christ is here or there Do Not Believe it.  So if you believe Paul saw Christ you don't obey and believe Jesus,  salvation guarantee forfeit, you choose the wide path that leads to destruction.  The false Christ Paul has 3 contradictory plans of salvation.  The first only Jesus saves is correct. The second  1 Corinthians 15:2 You can only be saved by the Gospel Paul preached and by Paul's words contradicts Jesus true plan of salvation only Jesus saves. It disrespects so great a sacrifice as Jesus gave to save us and gives God's Glory to Paul who can't save you. It is part of the wide path that leads to destruction.  Paul's third contradictory plan of salvation is 1 Timothy 4:16. You can save yourself and others with your words. It is very similar to what the heathen that crucified Jesus yelled out as they crucified Jesus they yelled save yourself.  

     I guess by now many of you hate me for trying to return you to the real Jesus, but I somehow hope some of you understand what I am trying to do.  I am trying to recruit you to help God fulfill the prophesy and spread the Gospel Jesus spoke in Matthew Mark Luke and John without addition or mistranslation  so Jesus can return except for one addition God gave me. For it is the children that I love most. God changed my writing to write as I wrote on a blank page in the Bible.  Perhaps a clue to remove the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod Satan added after the Ascension that Jesus warned of.

 It's late now and I'm tired. Hopefully soon we can discuss the 3 denials of Christ Peter made in his letters as part of Peter's 6 denials of Christ.  I will give you a clue. 2 of them are in 1 Peter 2:18 good night God bless 
